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The 21 Day Sugar Detox

Looking to lose a few corona pounds, improve your energy, and lose the mid-section bloat before the craziness of the holiday season?


Take control before the New Year arrives and head into the holidays ready to resist temptation with The 21 Day Sugar Detox!


Led by Olivia Borer, 21 Day Sugar Detox Coach, the 21DSD is a real food based program designed to:


· Eliminate sugar and carb cravings

· Reduce inflammation

· Increase energy

· Give you the tools you need to stay on track

· And leave you feeling lighter and healthier than ever before!


Coming to Valiant Fitness starting October 26th (see schedule below), the 21DSD does NOT include counting points or calories, nor does it require any special pills, shakes, or bars. Just real, whole food (and as much of it as you want!).


Plus, even if you aren’t in Lincoln, NE, you can still join the group! With Zoom meetings, anyone can join!


Here’s what past participant Julie Robbins had to say:

“The 21DSD has been absolutely transforming! I used to drink 2-3 Liters of Diet Coke per day and thought I was making a healthy choice. The 21DSD has opened my eyes to what eating real, healthy foods can do for a person. Now that I am through this 21 day journey I feel less bloated and just simply healthier. Weight loss was a hope I had but I was just focusing on eating good foods….and the weight just came off! The whole philosophy of 21DSD just makes sense to me. The support and guidance Olivia has provided is such a key factor in this journey as well- I don't know if I would have taken it on by myself, but through her coaching, it made the process easy! My family is on the path to healthier eating and healthier lifestyle for good!"


Included in the 21DSD program:

· The 21 Day Sugar Detox Guidebook

· Daily emails with support and information (the best part of the program!)

· Handouts and guides (traveling, snack ideas, dining out, and more!)

· 9+ pages of recipe links and ideas

· 3 Zoom group meetings for support and guidance (attendance is optional)

· Text and email support as needed from Olivia

· Grocery guides for local stores

· After the detox reintroduction guidance

· And so much more!


Ready to jump in and transform your own health? The 21DSD at Valiant Fitness starts Monday, October 26th and will wrap up just before Thanksgiving and the rest of the holiday season arrives.


Week 1 – October 26th = Pre-Detox Week (start to learn about the program, gather recipe ideas, and clean the pantry)

Weeks 2-4 – November 2nd – 22nd = The 21 Day Sugar Detox (the actual detox)

Week 5 – November 23rd = Post-Detox week (reintroduce foods to gauge how they sit with you)


Questions? Want to join the group? Please contact Olivia at


More information:


P.S. Feel free to grab a friend to join you!


The next group will be in late January/early February



From previous detox participant Terri:


"I am a person that is somewhat skeptical of going on diets because I believe that they don't often work long-term.  However, I knew that I had some behavior changes to make, especially around evening snacks, so I decided to give the program a try.  I have been exercising 3-4 times a week including working out with Justin 3 times a week for more than two years and knew that the only way I was going to see further results was to change some dietary habits.


I wasn't able to join the live Zoom calls during my work day but I did read your emails and made use of the book as well.  I started out the program in week one sticking closely to the shopping list and meal plan but ended up having to modify my meals somewhat to make them even faster to prepare due to my busy work schedule.  However, I did follow the plan closely overall in terms of foods on the "yes" and "no" lists.  I definitely found many meals that quickly became my favorites such as the pumpkin spice smoothies, various frittatas, the pulled pork lettuce wrap tacos, the lettuce wrap tuna or chicken salad bowls and my favorite weekend breakfast item was definitely the pumpkin pancakes! I am so happy to have the book with many different things to try over time.


Within the first week, I already started noticing some changes that weren't expected.  I thought I would be hungry more than I was and I began to realize that I had stopped "craving" a snack after dinner or before bed.  My new delicious snack I began to enjoy was grapefruit - which I do love.  It actually became a small treat for me if I was wanting something "sweet".  I was pretty shocked after the first 10 days when I weighed myself and found I had lost about 12 pounds.  My clothes were feeling a little looser and the best result was that I realized that I was sleeping all night without waking up and wasn't getting heartburn like I often do.


As time went on, the program just became my new way of eating and it wasn't that difficult to maintain.  Once we went to friends for dinner and she served lasagna, salad and bread.  That was the only time it was hard and I ended up just having salad and a small piece of lasagna.  It was ok and I just went back to my plan the next day.  Now that I have passed the holiday week, I am back on my new eating plan.  I believe that going forward, I have learned new choices and ideas that will allow me to minimize my intake of pastas, breads and sugars much easier than before.  And I know that if I do end up eating those for a special meal or holiday, then I will just get back on track the next day.


Once Justin and I weighed and did measurements at the end of the program, I was pleasantly surprised that my BMI and body fat had gone down quite a bit and I had not lost muscle since I kept up my workouts the whole time.  I want to thank you (and Justin as well) for offering this program as I definitely believe it has helped me to change some behaviors and for that reason, will have lasting results!  Thank you!"

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